Training in Cosmetics companies
Why should this news interest you if you run a cosmetic company in Italy?
You should be interested because this news indicates a strong growth in the demand for such services, which runs parallel to the steady growth of the beauty sector, surpassing 14 billion euros in annual turnover in Italy alone.
However, despite the long-standing importance of massages for cosmetic companies, over the past 20 years, the predominant advent of technologies has led companies to prefer investing their resources in keeping up with new market trends.
Likewise, today, in 2023, national data indicate a need for the human factor among customers.
Additionally, there is a notable resurgence of Green products/treatments.
We strongly believe that technology should not be opposed to manual treatments. On the contrary, the synergy of these elements creates added value for the esthetician, who can guarantee even more effective results in a highly experiential context.
Together with the company, we identify the key points to tailor a high-performing service for their clients.
2.Professional training
Through professional training, the company will be able to offer an additional service or improve the existing one.
3.Training to Beauty Specialist
It is in our interest that the company performs well through its beauty specialists, as they are the bridge between the company and the client.
We periodically analyze performance data through the Key Performance Indicators that we established in consultation with the company.
5.Customer Service
We provide training materials to all clients of the cosmetic company for self-care and personal hygiene.
6. Promotion
Through the events we organize and/or support every year in a widespread manner, the company can evaluate the possibility of receiving extra promotion from Gaia rituals events.